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Customs officers to be reassured

series of meetings between Customs chiefs, union leaders and Government personnel officers.Top Customs officers said the meetings were designed to reassure workers that there was an equal opportunity policy for promotions.

series of meetings between Customs chiefs, union leaders and Government personnel officers.

Top Customs officers said the meetings were designed to reassure workers that there was an equal opportunity policy for promotions.

Two letters have been written to The Royal Gazette complaining about the method used to promote officers, which began after industrial action in 1994.

More experienced Customs officers now believe jobs they are qualified to do are being taken by younger officers with college degrees.

And the Bermuda Public Services Association has been drafted into negotiations in a bid to improve relations between Customs managers and workers.

BPSA general secretary Edward Ball said: "A number of our members have voiced some concerns about the method used to promote people within the organisation.

"They have also expressed fears about job security in terms of promotions and training and we are now having discussions with the Department of Personel Services and Bermuda Customs.

"We are trying to get to the bottom of a number of issues.'' New Collector of Customs William LeDrew added senior of ficers were "discussing the concerns'' of the union.

"We want them to be resolved satisfactorily,'' he said. "The discussions began through Joint Consultative Committee meetings.''