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BFA not discouraged by poor symposium turn-out

standing of the game in Bermuda as a success -- despite a less than enthusiastic response from invited clubs.

Bermuda Football Association held a symposium at Bermuda College on Saturday aimed at, in their words, starting a "renaissance'' of the game on the Island.

Two representatives from each of the BFA affiliates were invited, plus one from each Commercial League side for the all-day forum.

The agenda included such items as management, football development, marketing and finance and Association president Neville Tyrrell was on hand to give an opening address.

The BFA had hoped around 50 or more people would attend the event, but the actual figure was believed to be below 20.

"Turnout was less than half of what we expected or what we were hopeful for,'' said BFA General Secretary David Sabir.

"But in terms of the content, based on the evaluations that were submitted by the participants which ranged from being excellent to satisfactory, all thoroughly benefited from the symposium.'' Sabir said he was in no way disheartened by the response from the footballing community.

"This was step one and in no way are the executive of the Bermuda Football Association and those affiliate and club members that attended deterred,'' he said.

"Our objectives were to get information out through collective discussion, receive information back and certainly we are in a position now of being able to take this initial step further on to creating, if you will, an atmosphere of solidarity and alliance for what we deemed the renaissance of football in Bermuda.'' Sabir said he agreed with Tyrrell who had said the event was worth holding regardless of how many people came through the doors.

"I echo the words of the president that if there were two people then we would have continued on in the same vein. And again the point needs to be reiterated that this is the first of many,'' he said.

"The position now taken is that we have to do our best to include and get an understanding between all stakeholders in football of what we want to see this game look like and what we are going to require to get what we want.

"One thing that is for certain is that we will be having another symposium in September but there are many steps that have to take place along the way.

"There is a lot of strategic planning going on and back and forth discussions with club officials all with the aim of devising a strategy that we can all agree to.''