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Smith to speed up legislation

new PLP legislation drafted up and into the House of Assembly as soon as possible.In a ZBM television interview last night, Ms Smith said more staff would be recruited into the Parliamentary drafting arm of the Attorney General's chambers.

new PLP legislation drafted up and into the House of Assembly as soon as possible.

In a ZBM television interview last night, Ms Smith said more staff would be recruited into the Parliamentary drafting arm of the Attorney General's chambers. And she defended her Government's record, saying many PLP initiatives would soon be law.

"The legislation process is a lengthy one,'' Ms Smith said. "Many people who deal with the drafting process feel there's a need for more people in the Attorney General's chambers -- but getting those people on board isn't going to happen overnight.

"I am very pleased that we have had some legislation and that legislation has been aimed at those things we talked about in the Throne Speech.

"But I do think we have got to get more people in there. We haven't got those people yet but once they are, I expect a steady even flow.'' STOWAWAYS LEAVE IMM Stowaways leave Seven Caribbean nationals are on their way home after an unsuccessful attempt to find a new life in Bermuda.

The five Dominican and two Haitian nationals attempted to sneak ashore from the carship Brilliant Ace at 1 p.m. on Sunday but were nabbed on land and returned to the ship immediately.

They were placed in the custody of the vessel's chief officer and will be returned to their respective countries when the vessel arrives in the Bahamas.

The ship arrived on Sunday at 8.15 a.m. from Haiti and departed that evening.

TELEPHONES OUT BUC Telephones out A direct hit on Bermuda Telephone Company equipment during Monday's lightning storm is causing a disruption in service for some Warwick residents.

Businesses and homes in the Khyber Pass, Spice and Pearman's Hill, and the Tribe Road No.5 and the surrounding South Shore area including Mermaid Beach may experience some disruption in service as crews work to correct damage.