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Romanian orchestra will play on

because of an immigration glitch involving a visiting orchestra have been dismissed by a festival organiser.

Last night's VSB news broadcast claimed that, because of a visa mix-up, the 24 strong Romanian ensemble, The Black Sea State Orchestra, would have to leave the Island prematurely before it had a chance to perform. The orchestra arrived on Monday and is due to play at City Hall tomorrow in the first of three performances before returning home via New York on Sunday.

Last night Festival board chairman Peter Lloyd confirmed that there had been a mix-up with the US visas that the group had travelled on.

But he added the problem was being resolved following discussions with immigration officials.

"They arrived last night,'' Mr. Lloyd said.

"What happened was they received their Bermudian visas and came through New York with a three month visa for the States but it was a single entry visa which means that they now need another visa when they return to Romania via New York.

"I don't know where the TV got their information from -- they certainly didn't get their facts from me and I don't think they spoke to anyone from the orchestra -- unless they have somebody at VSB who can speak Romanian.

"But they're here now and are staying at the Harmony Club. Tomorrow I will be going with them to the US Consul. We are getting this problem sorted out.'' IMMIGRATION IMM