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Shelly Bay MarketPlace was fined $150 in Magistrates' Court this week.

Donald Walker of Crawl Hill pleaded guilty to the charge.Prosecuting Sgt. Cyril Plant told the court that on March 3 Walker was seen by the manager of the Shelly Bay MarketPlace in the liquor store.

Donald Walker of Crawl Hill pleaded guilty to the charge.

Prosecuting Sgt. Cyril Plant told the court that on March 3 Walker was seen by the manager of the Shelly Bay MarketPlace in the liquor store.

"He watched as Walker placed a bottle of Vodka and a bottle of Scotch, valued at $53.05, inside the lining of his jacket,'' Sgt. Plant said.

"Walker then left the store without paying for the items.

"The manager approached Walker and detained him until the Police arrived.'' When questioned by Police Walker said: "Well I got caught this time.'' He told the court that he took the alcohol because he was depressed "and what made it worse was the death of my friend who killed himself on my bike''.

But Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis told Walker he could not use that as an excuse because his friend died after the shoplifting incident.