Few fireworks expected from Senate
Created: Nov 22, 2000 10:00 AM
President Alf Oughton said two public bills, the Employment Act 2000 and the Supplementary Appropriation Act 2000, will receive their first reading.
measures to be completed.
President Alf Oughton said two public bills, the Employment Act 2000 and the Supplementary Appropriation Act 2000, will receive their first reading.
And two petitions will be presented by Senator Michael Scott, the Bank of Bermuda Limited and Chase Re Ltd. Their progress is expected to be a formality.
A notice of motion, the Rules of the Supreme Court 1985 Amendment (No2) Rules 2000 is also expected to go through.
The two orders of the day, a motion regarding Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of Bermuda and a motion to take note of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Serious Criminal Offences in Bermuda, have not yet been debated by the House of Assembly.