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Less fire more calm

Association which, it seems to us, is the kind of group entirely to be welcomed. What Bermuda needs is less fire and more calm discussion. Far too often the current issues in Bermuda are debated with the heat of political convictions which preclude any chance of calm consideration.

It is refreshing to find a group that wants to be informed fairly and does not want its members to be antagonistic or to use the organisation for political purposes. It has been our experience that almost every group in Bermuda winds up serving some kind of political purpose or, at the least, is eventually comprised primarily of people who represent one political view or the other.

It is one of the problems of daily life in Bermuda that it is almost impossible to belong to anything without choosing a political side.

The organisation aims not to have people use the organisation for political purposes. That is an admirable concept but almost impossible to achieve. Most organisations require leadership. That leadership cannot lead and remain viewless. The leadership has already said that there is a lack of concern for prevalent issues affecting the various communities around the Island. That is a political statement and to try to change concern will be a political action.

Inevitably, to achieve anything, the organisation will want to make its views heard and, immediately that happens, the organisation becomes political and has a political purpose.

It has been said of the National Interest Association that it is non-partisan and unbiased. That aim is admirable in terms of open consideration of the issues in Bermuda but it will be very difficult to achieve in a place as small and as volatile as Bermuda and in a place where politics is so pre-eminent.

Having said that, if it is kept in mind that the aim of the organisation is to be non-partisan and unbiased that may be enough to give participants the perspective to grapple with the issues no matter what their politics. It is certainly worth trying.

We think it is healthy that young people should take a calm and collected look at Bermuda. It is the one thing that politicians can never do, especially politicians involved in the confrontational Westminster System. Yet Bermuda needs people who can see problems in other than a political light. Far too often major flaws go untended because politicians apply a cure that is good for votes rather than best for the problem.

If the National Interest Association can keep going and stick to its philosophy it has a real chance of making a major contribution to Bermuda. The group thinks it is important to have a good fusion of both sexes and an ethnic balance and welcomes people from all social backgrounds. It wants young people who are aware of current affairs and concerned about the state of Bermuda and the direction in which it is heading.

The National Interest Association is aimed at being well organised and professional in its conduct. That is going to be difficult for a volunteer organisation with no staff, especially if the organisation expands. The demands the organisation will make on volunteers will inevitably lead to inefficiency, no matter how well intentioned the volunteers.

The Association has not set an easy task for itself. However it aims high and that, in itself, may be enough.