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Dill quits College post

Jannell Dill, has quit the job.Mrs. Dill assumed the post in March 1998 amid allegations that it had been specially created for her because she was the wife of then-Education Minister Jerome Dill.

Jannell Dill, has quit the job.

Mrs. Dill assumed the post in March 1998 amid allegations that it had been specially created for her because she was the wife of then-Education Minister Jerome Dill.

College vice president Donald Peters had defended the appointment, insisting she was simply the best person for the job and that it would have been unfair to hold her husband's position against her.

Yesterday, Dr. Cook was unable to say why Mrs. Dill decided to resign and said he did not know if she had another job lined up.

He revealed that the post will be re-advertised shortly, but noted that it may change some-what.

"It will not be in exactly the same way,'' he noted. "But it will remain in the public relations area.''