Tennis fans cry foul
charging people for tickets 12 months after the event took place. ---- Page 3 HOTEL COULD STOP TOWER TOU ENV Hotel could stop tower The hotel which owns the land on which a controversial cellular tower is being built could still stop the project. ---- Page 5 CITY AIMS TO END CONGESTION HAM GVT City aims to end congestion Hamilton officials hope to start implementing changes within a matter of months which will transform the city into a more attractive place for pedestrians. ---- Page 10 BLAZERS HODL FIRM ON CUP GAME SOC Blazers hold firm on Cup game Bermuda Football Association held an 11th hour meeting with Boulevard officials yesterday evening in a vain attempt to persuade them to play their Friendship Trophy semi-final against Vasco. ---- Sport, Page 17 C&W, TELEBERMUDA COMPETE BUC C&W, TeleBermuda compete Cable & Wireless and TeleBermuda International are competing to make the Island an offshore hub for Internet transactions. ---- Business, Page 25