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How to stop your e-mail from being spammed

You've got mail! Only it isn't from someone you know, it is from a stranger trying to sell you something.

Unsolicited e-mail, which is called "spam'' or bulk mail, is a problem on the Internet. Most spam consists of get rich quick schemes and offers to buy something. Unfortunately some may be more dangerous. For instance, a dangerous virus can be in an e-mail attachment. Another dangerous item often found in spam is clickable links to x-rated sites. Sometimes, hitting the delete key isn't enough. You can do a few things to protect yourself and your family from unsolicited e-mail First of all, never reply to spam e-mails, even if they offer you a way to unsubscribe. Do not use it! By replying or sending mail to a different address, you confirm that your e-mail address is valid, and you will get more spam. Also attachments in e-mails can be very dangerous. If the email is unsolicited and contains an attachment, do not open it. Dangerous viruses can be in attachments.

Always delete spam e-mail.

Even if they offer the best deal on earth, do not try it! These companies are very hard to track down if you do not receive the products that you purchased.

Eventually spamming will stop if spammers find that they are not making any money at it. If spamming did not turn up any sales, it would have died out a long time ago. Unfortunately, people are actually buying from the companies that spam, making spam the most cost effective form of advertisement currently available. As long as this remains the case, companies will use it.

If you want to do more than delete the spam e-mail, you can. Call a cop, Spam Cop, that is at http://spamcop.net/ They can help you track down the actual sender by viewing the header information in the e-mail. Even if the spammer used a Web-based e-mail like Hotmail most of the time, you can still locate what ISP they were using by information in the header. ISPs do not like their servers being used by spammers to send spam, so they will cancel the account of a habitual spam sender. You mustget the complete header information before you can report it to Spam Cop. They offer easy to use directions for several different email clients.

To avoid spam e-mail, it helps to understand how your e-mail address was obtained by spammers in the first place. One common way spammers get e-mail addresses is through programmes that scan bulletin boards, mail lists, news groups and personal Web pages to collect e-mail addresses.

To protect your primary e-mail address, obtain another one. Use your new e-mail address when you post messages to bulletin boards, surveys or anywhere else that requests an e-mail address. Obtaining another e-mail address is quick and easy. Angelfire and Hotmail are just a few of the hundreds of companies that offer free e-mail. It will only take a few seconds to scan the incoming messages of the inbox for the new e-mail address, and it could save you and your family from opening objectionable e-mail. When your free address starts having the inbox full all the time, go get another e-mail address! Be sure the adult in the family is the one to check this account. Some accounts like Hotmail are easy targets for spammers.

Another way spammers obtain your e-mail address is when you visit a website.

Your browser may give out your e-mail address. Some advertisements are loaded on pages through FTP instead of HTTP and need a user name and password to load. Your browser will automatically provide this, so if it does provide your email address, it can be collected. If it provides your e-mail address, it is mostly likely because you are using an older browser. Consider upgrading to newer version, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape.

Check your e-mail programme to see if it has a filter. This option is especially useful if you and your family only have a few people that you exchange e-mail with and it will help you to organise your inbox. You can send your letters from "Aunt Sally'' and your friend "Jane'' to individual folders and all your other e-mail to a "to be reviewed'' folder, to read and delete at your convenience.

This is also very useful, if you and your family each have their own e-mail address. You can set it up to receive each person's mail to a different folder. Another good way to protect your children is to have them use a special e-mail programme for kids that filters their mail and doesn't allow them to give out personal information. Using the filtering option in your e-mail inbox will save you time by organising your emails and protecting you from spam.

You can also block the spam sender's e-mail address. If you are using Outlook Express 5.0, you can just select Messages, then block sender. To see if you can block senders from your e-mail program, go to the help sections and search for block sender. Don't be surprised though if you receive the same e-mail again, only from a different address.

Michelle Swartz's column appears on the first and third Wednesday of every month on the Royal Gazette's Personal Technology section. She can be reached at michelle ychristers.net Do not send her spam!