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College students off to hospitality trade show

hospitality trade shows in the US.The National Restaurant Association Hotel-Motel Show in Chicago, Illinois will feature former US presidential candidate Republic Sen. Bob Dole as the guest speaker and more than 1,900 exhibitors from around the world.

hospitality trade shows in the US.

The National Restaurant Association Hotel-Motel Show in Chicago, Illinois will feature former US presidential candidate Republic Sen. Bob Dole as the guest speaker and more than 1,900 exhibitors from around the world.

A college spokeswoman said the students, in addition to participating in a variety of educational programmes, will have the opportunity to meet "renowned hospitality authors''.

The students raised funds for the trip by developing and carrying out fund raising activities such as bake sales, car washes, and catering the opening of the new arbitration centre which took place at the college earlier this month.

The spokeswoman said: "The Administration of Bermuda College is dedicated to enhancing the lives of all students through programmes such as this and believes that the students' involvement in the opening of the arbitration centre gave them another opportunity to demonstrate the skills they have acquired as part of the Bermuda College Hospitality Programme.'' Industry trades shows were excellent vehicles for developing contacts and creating a higher profile internationally for the college, she added.

"The students are very excited at the prospect of being exposed to emerging trends in the hospitality industry at this international exhibition,'' she said.