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Volunteers keep hospital well stocked with blood

The head of a health organisation has thanked the many volunteers who have kept Bermuda's hospital well stocked with vital supplies of blood.

Barbara Cooper, chairwoman of the Bermuda Red Cross Blood Donor Centre at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, made her remarks following the news that many hospitals in the US are failing to function because of dwindling supplies of blood.

Mrs. Cooper, a former operating nurse at the hospital, said that there was no likelihood of Bermuda suffering from the same problem thanks to the many volunteers who run the clinic and take time out to make donations free of charge.

But she insisted the centre, whose motto is `Give Blood -- Give Life', is always on the lookout for new volunteers to replace those that have to leave the Island or who can no longer donate because of age or ill-health.

"I think that, when you get all these overseas reports that things are so bad people tend to think that Bermuda is in the same boat,'' Mrs. Cooper said.

"But fortunately here in Bermuda we're very comfortable with our blood supplies at the moment.'' Bad weather in some parts of America has resulted in some hospitals running out of blood supplies because volunteers cannot travel to make donations.

"The blood bank shelves there are particularly poor at the moment and that means that some people could die,'' Mrs. Cooper said.

"It's not just a case of people having to have operations postponed. There are other patients, such as those receiving chemotherapy and haemophiliacs with complications who need blood.

"But here we are very lucky in that we have a comfortable level of blood donors and we can also call up a corporate donor programme if we need large amounts of blood quickly.'' Bermuda is one of the few jurisdictions throughout the world where both donors and nursing staff provide their services completely free of charge. The centre has a qualified medical team of more than 50 nurses and technicians who all work at the centre in their spare time.

"These are all professional volunteers and if the hospital had to pay it would be a considerable cost,'' Mrs. Cooper said.

"It's a big contribution and I would like to take this chance to thank everyone who has helped.

"But, although we have very good coverage on the Island with a comfortable level of donors we are always looking for more people to come forward.

"Donating blood is a very simple procedure which takes about one hour and is totally painless.

"You should consider that one day you might be the one who needs the blood.

It's a wonderful way to give something back that's not costly and is extremely meaningful.'' The centre holds two donation sessions a week on Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon. If you would like to give blood call the Red Cross Blood Donor Centre on 236 5067.

Photo David Skinner GIFT OF LIFE -- Joan Smith is one of many of the Island's volunteers willing to donate blood at the Bermuda Red Cross Blood Donor Centre.