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Brown to meet top US official

United States Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater in Washington DC.He will also attend a conference, which started on Monday, alongside transportation ministers from around the world.

United States Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater in Washington DC.

He will also attend a conference, which started on Monday, alongside transportation ministers from around the world.

Ministry of Transport Permanent Secretary Herman Tucker and Civil Aviation Director Ian MacIntyre will join him at the conference and the meeting.

Dr. Brown said: "It is a great honour for us to be part of this prestigious conference and to be able to meet privately with Secretary Slater.

"I consider it one of the highlights of this administration thus far and I am delighted to have this opportunity.

"I share Secretary Slater's belief that transportation is the tie that binds, connecting industries with communities to improve the welfare of individual travellers.

"Bermuda's transportation issues are not unique and it is important that we participate in this international discussion.'' The conference -- Moving into the 21st Century, Best Practices for Today and Lessons for Tomorrow -- will bring together transportation leaders from governments and the private sector to discuss critical transportation issues.

It will provide an opportunity to highlight world leaders' commitment to expanding global markets and ensuring that people and goods are moved in ways that are safe, efficient and environmentally responsible.