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Police address rise in prostitution

But he has not ordered a crackdown on the crime, despite Government's warning last week there would be.Health and Social Services Minister the Hon. Quinton Edness, alarmed that girls as young as 13 were selling sex,

rising prostitution on Bermuda's streets.

But he has not ordered a crackdown on the crime, despite Government's warning last week there would be.

Health and Social Services Minister the Hon. Quinton Edness, alarmed that girls as young as 13 were selling sex, warned a "severe'' crackdown on prostitution would take place once Government met with Police on the issue.

And he said he would fight to provide Police with any extra support needed "to stamp out the menace''.

Not only would prostitutes be arrested, Mr. Edness said, but also pimps and anyone caught hiring a hooker.

Police spokesman Pc. Gary Venning confirmed Mr. Edwards had met with Mr.

Edness this week to discuss the problem.

"As a result, CID and Narcotics officers have been instructed to deal with (prostitution) as they see fit and based on information received,'' he said.

A senior spokesman for the Commissioner said there would be no increased vigilance or all-out hunt for prostitutes: "If they detect it, it will be prosecuted.'' Noting few arrests for the crime had been made in the past, Mr. Edness had said: "The Police are on the frontline and must take the initiative.'' He believed it would take only a few arrests of men caught hiring hookers to "stop (prostitution) dead in its tracks''.

It was Police who claimed that in the last 18 months they had seen a surge in prostitution on Bermuda's streets, from the back of town to Front Street.

Senior officers told The Royal Gazette last month that girls as young as 13 and 15 were prostituting themselves and that sex was being sold in city alleyways.

Police Commissioner Mr. Lenny Edwards.