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Census office appeals for staff

About 200 people have already completed training, or are about to complete their training sessions, in preparation for the launch of the census on May 20.


About 200 people have already completed training, or are about to complete their training sessions, in preparation for the launch of the census on May 20.

But the Census Office has put on additional training sessions for anyone interested in carrying out the door to door work while earning extra cash during the next few weeks.

Census superintendent Janet Smith Bradshaw said that, while there was not a desperate shortage of enumerators, she hoped more would enlist their support to boost the numbers.

She said: "We have had a problem with people applying. They agree to show up for the training sessions, but then don't bother coming along.

"The picture is not as bleak as it might appear because we already have a number of people in training and the enumerators often tend to do more than one area anyway.

"But we like to have additional people so we can have a reserve in case we need them.

"Some times, for whatever reason, people do not manage to get through all of their area and they have to drop out.

"Having extra people caters for all eventualities.'' The new training course begins next Monday, May 15 at the Bermuda College and will last about three weeks, with sessions being held in the evenings and at weekends.

Enumerators are paid $18 per questionnaire for the first 25 that they complete. They then receive $20 per questionnaire until they reach a total of 50 and then $22 per questionnaire thereafter.

A nominal payment of $300 is also paid to volunteers during their training period.

People of all ages can apply to do the job, provided they are of a mature nature, friendly, hard working and are able to spend time going door to door in the evenings and at weekends.

Census Day is May 20, with enumeration starting a day later.

Anyone interested in getting involved should call into the Census Office, which is situated on the third floor of the Cedarpark Centre at 48 Cedar Avenue in Hamilton, or call 297-7761 or 297-7831.