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Hotels offering charter flight package deals

The trips which knock about 10 percent off some hotel rates are being organised through American agents Apple Vacations.The non-stop flights from the States are every Thursday and Sunday, with morning departures and evening returns.

charter flight package deals.

The trips which knock about 10 percent off some hotel rates are being organised through American agents Apple Vacations.

The non-stop flights from the States are every Thursday and Sunday, with morning departures and evening returns.

Hotels standing to benefit are Belmont, The Princess and Sonesta Beach, and the deals start from May 25.

Under them, Belmont is offering per person: $465, four days; $495, five days; and $665, eight days.

Visitors to The Princess, meanwhile, are being tempted with prices per person of: $495, four days; $545, five days; and $745, eight days.

And, for its part, Sonesta is offering: $699, four days; $699, five days; and $1,049, eight days.

Advertisements for the deals state: "Prices are per person based on double occupancy and are available for a limited time.

"Prices include roundtrip airfare via Viscount airlines, hotel transfers, hotel taxes, baggage handling and services of an Apple representative in resort.'' Sonesta managing director Mr. David Boyd pointed out Apple Vacations were offering two charter flights a week, from Dulles and Philadelphia.

He said his hotel's prices would be slashed by about 10 percent, amounting to some $23 or $25 a night.

Mr. Boyd said the fifth night at Sonesta would be free.

This was why the price for four days and five days, under the deal, was $699.

Regional vice-president of Princess Properties International Mr. Stephen Barker hoped the venture would pull in more visitors during the "soft periods''.

He pointed out the offers were geared for couples. And it was important to understand the prices in the advertising were based on double occupancy.

This form of promotion, said Mr. Barker, was nothing new.

"It has been very successful for us in the past, and we hope it will be equally successful for us this year.''