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Man claims Police beat him

claimed he was later beaten in the cells.The US visitor, arrested the night before after shouting obscenties at the Police in the street, said two officers had come into his cell during the night and hit him.

claimed he was later beaten in the cells.

The US visitor, arrested the night before after shouting obscenties at the Police in the street, said two officers had come into his cell during the night and hit him.

Sporting a black eye, Michael Rogan, a passenger on the Zenith , asked Senior Will Francis where he could press charges over the incident.

Crown counsel Charmaine Smith said Rogan, 34, of Pennsylvania, was seen walking on Front Street early on Tuesday by officers in a marked car.

Rogan was shouting profanities at the officers. When told to move on, he turned around and grabbed his crotch with both hands and violently shook it, shouting "you f****s can suck my d***''.

He then said: "I will ram some Viagra up your a** to show you what we do in New Jersey''.

Rogan was arrested and whilst being placed in the patrol car, said "please don't spank me''.

He continued to swear at the Police Station until falling asleep in his cell.

Rogan pleaded guilty to using offensive words and using offensive behaviour on September 1.

Unrepresented in court, he said he didn't recall grabbing his crotch but admitted he may have been shouting or "hollering''.

He said: "I know how the system works. I am guilty, I have no-one to back my story up. Anything I say is not going to change what is written on that paper.

"Where did I get these black eyes? A couple of your officers came in and whacked me a couple of times,'' he said.

Rogan also complained that he had $100 when he left the cruise ship but it was missing later.

Will Francis said it was clear that Rogan had not been fully comprehending what he was doing and couldn't remember all that took place.

He fined Rogan $100 for each offence.