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Training scheme puts engineers on fast track

The Minister of Works and Engineering has celebrated the continuing success of a Government training programme.

Mr. Alex Scott said recent trainees Patrick Cooper and Keith Hodgkins were "well on their way to successful careers in the Ministry''.

"This Ministry needs and wants to continue its tradition of identifying and training Bermudians for key roles in Government. There are posts to be filled for professionals and non-professionals,'' said Mr. Scott.

"In this respect, we offer training whereby each student receives significant support from mentors within the Department, professional assistance via mock exams, and assistance with their individual development plans so they can be fast tracked into their respective career goals.

"The philosophy of the training committee is not to have them shadow one person, but to obtain a qualification that will make them suitable to apply for any position in their division of the Ministry.'' Mr. Scott also pointed out that with 542 staff and a $42 million budget, his Ministry presented a host of career opportunities.

"Government's ongoing and new capital projects require properly qualified persons,'' he said.

"We hope to offer these opportunities to Bermudians who are willing to work hard, who wish to earn professional designations and who want to give something back to their country.'' Both Mr. Cooper and Mr. Hodgkins thanked Government for the educational, hands-on learning.

"It's a great opportunity that the Ministry has given Keith and myself, letting us train with the Ministry,'' said Mr. Cooper.

"We've been given the opportunity to go through three different departments within the Ministry -- water, structures, and highway -- and we've been given the opportunity to learn and gain valuable experience in all of these areas,'' he continued.

"I was in private practice before I came to Government and I chose to come to Government because it holds the more exciting engineering jobs.'' Wide variety of jobs: Alex Scott Graphic file name: SCOTTI