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Beautiful executive committee, though Mrs. Kendaree Burgess Fairn will

The highest-placed newcomer at the anti-littering group is Ms Pamela Wimbush, a long-time KBB volunteer who will serve as the board's new vice-president.

Other new faces on the 1995 committee include Ms Ellen Meadd (who will take on the KBB environmental committee), Mr. Mike Faison (KBB education), Ms Dace Ground (KBB newsletter) and Ms Diane Spicer (who will assume general executive responsibilities).

As part of its mandate to reduce the amount of littering and pollution in Bermuda, KBB has overseen a wide variety of environmental and beautification projects over the past years, including highly successful shore clean-ups and the promotion of recycling initatives.

*** Age Concern, meanwhile, also saw a committee shake-up at its annual general meeting recently.

Three new members -- Ms Joy Lehman, the Rev. Tom Anderson and Mr. Danny Mannus -- were elected to the seniors group's committee, while those who were re-elected included chairman Dr. Paul Shepherd, Lady Swan, Ms Barbara Elkin, Mrs. Edna Mae Scott, Mr. Gordon Ashford, Ms Jennie Southern, Ms Gill Gaade, Ms Patricia Thomson, Ms Cecile Simmons and Ms Tessa Hutley.

At the meeting, which took place on April 6, Dr. Shepherd also reiterated the group's call for the hiring of a gerontologist to address the medical, educational and financial needs of the Island's seniors.

Currently, there are no gerontologists in Bermuda.

*** Mr. and Mrs. Fish, a widely acclaimed husband and wife team of marine biologists from Maine who delight and educate children with their lively presentations on marine life, will be making a return visit to Bermuda this week.

On the Island from Thursday to next Tuesday, the Portland couple that is otherwise known as Jeff and Deb Hall Sandler will stage educational performances for six of Bermuda's primary schools and their neighbours as well as give several presentations during the Bermuda Aquarium's Zoo Doo this Saturday, the annual open day at the facility.

Having performed in such far-flung places as Canada, Britain, Japan and Samoa, Mr. and Mrs. Sandler were last in Bermuda some seven years ago.

As was that one, their visit to the Island this week is being sponsored by the Bank of Bermuda and the Bermuda Zoological Society.

FISH SCHOOL -- Aka Mr. and Mrs. Fish, US marine biologists Jeff and Deb Hall Sandler are bringing their antic brand of marine education to Bermuda this week.