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Hall of fame: A new link is forged

AS we have said before, one need not be a member of the Masonic fraternity ? or any friendly society for that matter ? to comprehend the historical significance of a new link that has been forged between freemasons of Bermuda and those connected with the historic Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.

Credit for the latest thrust goes to the Wor. Master of Hannibal Lodge No. 224 of Old Maid's Lane, St. George's Reuben Burnett and the 29 brethren who accompanied him on Hannibal's first official visit to the Prince Hall Grand Lodge.

Prince Hall masonry traces its origins to the formation of African Lodge on May 6, 1776. The American Revolution had not yet begun. Prince Hall first sought initiation in a white lodge but was turned down because he was a black man.

History tells us that Prince Hall was born in Bridgetown, Barbados in 1738 and migrated to Boston in 1749. He became noted for his strong denunciation of the African slave trade and gained prominence as one of America's first civil rights leaders.

Undaunted by his rejection by the American whites, his application to a British Army Lodge of Irish registry was favourably received. When the British were forced to leave Boston, Prince Hall and 14 other black men formed their own lodge.

Lodges bearing the Prince Hall designation experienced phenomenal growth, embracing some of the most powerful black men of their times, ranging from Richard Allen, founder of the AME Church, Bishop Absalom Jones and US Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

For some reason, with racism being a pronounced factor, mainstream white lodges headquartered in England, Scotland and Ireland, and later white Lodges in America ceased to recognise black freemasonry.

the next two centuries the two powerful entities were not in what is called "friendly communication". Bermuda played a pivotal role in ending the 211-year racial gridlock when in 1996 when well known Bermudian Charles W. Kempe, Jr. and a delegation from Bermuda became the first ever English Grand Lodge officer to visit a Prince Hall Lodge.

In 1999 Prince Hall's Mount Zion Lodge No. 15 made an official visit to Hannibal Lodge for the installation of its Master, Michael A.C. Smith.

More than a fortnight ago reigning Master Burnett made history of his own, by reciprocating the Mouth Zion visit. To add flavour to the visit he took along Bro. Dwayne Douglas, whom he raised to the degree of a master mason, making him the second Irish Mason from Bermuda to be raised in Massachusetts, the first being Carlsen Philip of Friendship and Harmony Lodge in 1998.

Brethren from all over the Massachusetts jurisdiction flocked to Mount Zion to welcome the Bermuda delegation. The latter were from Hannibal (21), Abercorn (4), Bermuda Garrison (1), Friendship & Harmony (1), Atlantic Phoenix E.C. (1), and Lodge Civil & Military S.C. (1).

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Irish Lodges in Bermuda, Bro. Sinclair (Brinky) Tucker, was extended special courtesies. He later said how elated he was with the degree work performed by Wor. Brother Burnett and his team. The Provincial Grand Master presented a beautifully crafted cedar gavel to the Prince Hall Deputy Grand Master, Rt. Wor. Brother Napoleon Burton, Jr.

Brother Burnett presented to the Worshipful Master of. Zion Lodge, Bro. Larry McPherson, cedar Masonic working tools that were crafted by Very Worshipful Brother Richmond Anderson especially to be used in the work that night. Bro. Burnett also presented a cash donation for Masonic charities.

The following day the Brethren from Bermuda returned to the Lodge to witness the dynamic third degree work done by the Brethren of Mount Zion Lodge No. 15. At that time they raised five of their own candidates. There was another exchange of gifts, including plaques commemorating the historic Hannibal visit.

Especially cited during the visit was Wor. Brother Leonard (Shinah) Simons. He has been an honorary member of Mt. Zion Lodge since February 1998, and was given his honorary certificate and a personalised jacket by Mt. Zion Lodge.

Simons and Wor. Bro. Michael A. C. Smith were the first Irish Masons in a Prince Hall Lodge after friendly communications were restored with the Grand Lodge of Ireland. Also Rt. Wor. Brother Sinclair B. Tucker was bestowed honorary membership in African Lodge No. 459 by the Most Worshipful Grand Junior Warden.