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Top photographer to present arctic show

Mr. Nicklin is making a return trip to the Island following his first visit in January, 1991, when he spoke on the subject of whales to a sell-out audience at the Ruth Seaton James Auditorium.

acclaimed lensman Mr. Flip Nicklin.

Mr. Nicklin is making a return trip to the Island following his first visit in January, 1991, when he spoke on the subject of whales to a sell-out audience at the Ruth Seaton James Auditorium.

The venue this time, on Thursday, October 29, is City Hall and Mr. Nicklin will be presenting his photographs of life at the Arctic ice edge.

Organiser of the event, Mr. Bill Scott said: "Anybody who was at the last show will remember that Nicklin is an excellent speaker. He has an amusing and entertaining delivery style and regales his audience with the stories surrounding his photographs.

"The photographs he will be presenting were taken over several summers, camping out on the ice in the Arctic.

"They will include shots featured in his July, 1991, article in National Geographic describing life at and under the ice edge.

"Best known for his tremendous underwater whale photography, Nicklin's Arctic pictures prove his ability to capture fascinating events above the water as well.'' His work was featured in a 32-page article in the September National Geographic.

Tickets for the show, which starts at 7.30 p.m., are available at The Camera Store, the Bermuda Aquarium and Zoo and the Botanical Gardens.

They cost six dollars and proceeds will go to the Bermuda Zoological Society.

The visit is sponsored by the Bank of Bermuda.