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British PM to meet Island?s Carifta stars

Bermuda?s Carifta Games heroes will meet Tony Blair today before the British Prime Minister leaves the Island at the end of his week-long holiday.

The Prime Minister, who has been staying at Government House, will meet the athletes there this afternoon and then fly to New York shortly afterwards.

It follows a request from Premier Alex Scott that Mr. Blair meet some of the young people who are leading positive lives in spite of the negative stories about youth problems such as violence. The Bermuda team exceeded expectations by picking up nine medals, including four golds, at least week?s games on the Island.

But Mr. Blair?s first-ever visit to Bermuda will end as it began with anti-war protestors planning a demonstration against his support of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Nine protestors greeted Mr. Blair at Bermuda International Airport when he arrived from London last Thursday for his first holiday on the Island. Organiser Lisa Kitson said the protestors will probably picket outside Government House because they are unsure what time the Prime Minister will be flying out to New York ? where he will meet United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan this evening.

Ms Kitson, who runs the Envirotalk.org website, said yesterday that only two people had been confirmed so far for the demonstration.

She said: ?He has been here on holiday with his family and hundreds of families have been destroyed in Iraq because of his and Bush?s lies, and that is what we want to remind him of.?

She admitted: ?I don?t know if he thought for more than a second about the protests because they are not as significant as the ones he has seen in Britain but we want to press home the point to him that even here in Bermuda people are protesting the reasons behind the war in Iraq.?

Ms Kitson said fellow anti-war protestor Jonny Starling called Government House and invited Mr. Blair for tea but had been flatly turned down.

?Everyone else has been inviting him for tea and we thought we should do that because we had a lot of questions to ask him, but everyone chickened out,? she said. ?But Jonny called Government House and asked him for tea, but the lady said he won?t be going for tea with you.?

Mr. Blair had dinner with Michael Douglas on Saturday and dined with the Premier, Governor Sir John Vereker and Finance Minister Paula Cox and their spouses at Camden on Monday night. The previous night he had dinner at The Reefs. And on Tuesday, Mr. Blair called in at Cabinet for an hour to give Ministers a chance to ask him questions on any subject.

Mr. Scott said no one raised the question of Independence, although it was ?lightly touched on? at the informal dinner at Camden on Monday night.

As well as playing football and tennis, the Prime Minister and his wife Cherie spent some time on the boat of local barrister and Acting Assistant Justice Justin Williams.

The Prime Minister is scheduled to fly to New York for an evening meeting with Mr. Annan tonight, followed by a meeting in Washington tomorrow with President George W. Bush to discuss the crisis in Iraq.

It is not known if Mrs. Blair and their children, who have also been here on holiday, will travel to the United States or return to Britain. A spokesman for Mr. Blair?s office, 10 Downing Street, told yesterday that the Prime Minister?s meetings with Mr. Annan and Mr. Bush would cover Iraq, the Middle East peace process, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.