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Belco stack work due to start again

A Belco Holdings Ltd. spokeswoman said yesterday smoke stacks are built in a continuous concrete pour.The Belco pour should be conducted around the clock for up to two weeks until the more than 200-foot summit is reached.

stopped over a technical glitch.

A Belco Holdings Ltd. spokeswoman said yesterday smoke stacks are built in a continuous concrete pour.

The Belco pour should be conducted around the clock for up to two weeks until the more than 200-foot summit is reached.

But on Friday work was halted over a "miscommunication'' on when to move a form beyond newly poured concrete.

The spokeswoman said the pour was very dependent on timing and builders must be careful not to move the form too soon or too late.

In April work was halted when engineers discovered the tower was misaligned.

It took almost 30 days in July and August to properly demolish the 75 feet of concrete already built up.

Friday's halt found the tower at 20 feet of new construction.

The spokeswoman denied that language barriers caused last week's problem, adding there were a variety of nationalities working at the Serpentine Road plant "doing what they have trained for''.