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Propane eyes the record

Bermuda record of 57 hours, 31 minutes and 50 seconds set by the 80-foot maxi yacht Boomerang in June.

The 40-foot trimaran Greenwich Propane , skippered by American John Barry, departed Newport yesterday under good conditions and headed on a course for Bermuda which they hoped would land them in the island by tomorrow afternoon.

For the journey Barry has assembled some outstanding sailors, including many of the best professionals experienced in multi-hull racing such as Bruno Dubois, Phillippe Oulhen and Giles Campan.

To pull off the feat the she needs an average speed of 12 knots during the 635-mile excursion.

Greenwich Propane actually broke record earlier in June with a time of 64 hours and 29 minutes but a week later that time was eclipsed by Boomerang.