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Man who posed as policeman jailed after indecent assault

A man who indecently assaulted a woman after telling her he was a Police officer, was sent to prison for six months yesterday.

Eldon Trott, of East Shore Road, Sandys, was told by Magistrate the Wor.

Cheryl Ann Mapp: "That was an extremely stupid thing for you to do ...Why on earth you'd want to choose that particular line I don't know but it obviously had an impact on the young lady so that she did feel she would at least be somewhat secure in your company.'' Two weeks ago a social inquiry report was ordered after Trott admitted he falsely claimed to be an officer, indecently assaulted the woman and damaged her shorts between July 19 and 21 of 1991.

Insp. Peter Duffy, prosecuting, said the complainant was a Canadian residing in Bermuda and working with an underwriting insurance firm.

He said the two met on July 19 at Coconut Rock on Reid Street after Trott approached the woman, telling her he was an officer.

Trott, who had a girlfriend who was seven months pregnant at the time, made plans to meet the woman the next day.

They met at Elbow Beach and, at Trott's suggestion, went back to the woman's apartment for a drink. He asked the woman if he could sleep there and became angry when she asked him to leave.

Insp. Duffy said Trott pinned the woman to the floor, straddled her and attempted to pull down her denim shorts despite her protests. The shorts were damaged in the process.

He finally left, warning the woman he could have her deported and that he would never be prosecuted because of his Police affiliation.

Insp. Duffy said the woman, who is associated with the Rape Crisis Centre, only contacted Police after consulting with Centre volunteers.

Yesterday, Mr. Glenn Caines, ministry co-ordinator of Prison Fellowship Bermuda, spoke on behalf of Trott.

"In our brief relationship, I would say that Mr. Trott is living a life that is indicative of a confirmation of his faith as a born-again Christian,'' he said. "Through conversation with Trott, he's been very forthright concerning the charges he faces and has expressed a sense of guilt and sympathy for those involved.

"Retrospectively, he's even found it hard to believe that it actually happened. We've encouraged him through his relationship with God that there is forgiveness through God and he has found peace in this.

Trott's lawyer, Mr. Perry Trott, said it was "very unfortunate that an experience like this should bring Trott before the court.

"It has brought tremendous embarrassment to him, and in particular, his family. It was a situation in which he met a young lady and he was infatuated by her, so much to the point where he wanted to impress her by saying `I am a Policeman'.'' Mr. Trott said Trott's life had been held up by the incident. "He had intended to marry the mother (of his six-month old child), but as a result of the incident, arrangements had to be placed on hold.'' Mr. Trott said his client attends church regularly, is the primary breadwinner for his family and was co-operative with Police.

He said it was "in the public's interest'' not to imprison a man who was getting his life in order.

However, Insp. Duffy said: "If one is facing a potential imprisonment, wouldn't one want to put the best light on one's character?'' And he expressed concern that the man told the woman he was an officer. "He kept that pretence up and lulled the young lady into a sense of security,'' he said. "It must be extremely frightening to a young lady to have that forced on her in her own residence. Society should express it's outrage at that behaviour.'' For falsely stating he was a Police officer, Trott was fined $500, and ordered to pay $100 for damaging the shorts and $25 compensation.