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Smith waits for reply

House of Assembly Speaker Ernest DeCouto would like to make it clear that a decision on whether or not to recall Parliament, as requested by PLP Leader Jennifer Smith, is for him alone and taken without consultation with anyone else.

Opposition Leader Jennifer Smith last night had still not received a reply to her demand that Parliament be recalled.

She said she was still awaiting a reply to her letter -- delivered last Tuesday to Speaker of the House Ernest DeCouto. Ms Smith asked for a recall in the wake of controversy surrounding Government Enviroment Minister Irving Pearman. Ms Smith said that the controversy over the issue merited a special sitting of Parliament -- which is normally only done in exceptional circumstances.

The row broke out after Mr. Pearman, 70, was drawn into Cleansweep after two people were arrested as part of the undercover Police operation designed to target alleged drug street dealers and were found to have cashed cheques made out to them by Mr. Pearman.

PLP's Smith still waiting for reply Mr. Pearman later claimed he had been told by Police Commissioner Colin Coxall that a man -- who was not identified -- was prepared to testify that the cheques were in payment for drugs.

The Minister -- who has consistently denied involvement in drugs -- said the cheques were payment for work around his home.

Mr. Pearman himself later revealed that there had also been allegations concerning his private life -- which he also denied.

The Royal Gazette has been unable to contact Mr. DeCouto for several days.