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Flights back on schedule

Eastern Seaboard had disrupted weekend flights.No flights connected between Bermuda and the eastern States on Saturday, airline officials told The Royal Gazette .

Eastern Seaboard had disrupted weekend flights.

No flights connected between Bermuda and the eastern States on Saturday, airline officials told The Royal Gazette .

American Airlines' inbound flight from New York was cancelled on Friday night, as was the outbound flight for Kennedy Airport on Saturday morning, general manager Mrs. Carole DeCouto said.

Inbound flights on Saturday and Sunday nights were delayed due to de-icing and air traffic problems in New York, she said.

Passengers booked on Saturday could not be moved to other carriers. "We did not operate, and neither did anybody else.'' American was operating normally yesterday, she said.

At USAir, inbound and outbound Philadelphia flights were cancelled on Friday and Saturday, local manager Mr. Herbie Siggins said.

Flights operated normally on Sunday and yesterday, he added.

Flight disruptions were normal in winter, but "this year, Mother Nature has hit the northeast region very hard, and somewhat earlier than usual,'' he said.

Delta Air Lines' inbound flight from Boston and the outbound flight for Atlanta and Boston were both cancelled on Saturday.

And the inbound flight from Boston was cancelled on Sunday.

Consolidations on Sunday's Delta flight to Atlanta resulted in an overbooking.

There were 33 passengers bumped, said a spokesperson.

Flights returned to normal yesterday.