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Mini-summit on the cards for tourism

Representatives from the business, retail and hospitality sectors will come together with tourism staff and Government officials for the one-day meeting at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess.


Representatives from the business, retail and hospitality sectors will come together with tourism staff and Government officials for the one-day meeting at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess.

Hosted by the Tourism Department, it is understood the conference is aiming to look at the whole tourism strategy.

"It's part of our ongoing outreach to the private sector and was one of our commitments as we continue relaunching and reinventing our tourism product,'' Tourism Minister David Allen said yesterday.

"We need to get feedback from the private sector in a more unified way.

"Their input is important to shaping tourism strategy. The private sector have a role to play and we want to see more of a dovetailing of their initiatives with the overall tourism campaign.

"If we are on the same wavelength, Bermuda will have a stronger impact in the overseas marketplace.'' Pointing out that he wanted to introduce Bermuda to the market earlier than in previous years, Mr. Allen said he thought this was an appropriate time to hold such a meeting "as we are on the eve of both a New Year and the launching of our next campaign''.

Around 40 delegates will gather tomorrow, together with Mr. Allen, hotel bosses, the Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, and other tourism professionals.

Also understood to be on the Island are representatives from public relations firm Lou Hammond and Associates.

It is likely the meeting will review the progress so far in revitalising tourism, marketing efforts overseas, and arrival figures this year.

The partnerships formed to offer new on-Island visitor experiences are likely to come under the microscope as probably will advertising programmes.

The recent closure of Marriott's Castle Harbour Resort and future plans for it and other resorts could be on the agenda, together with additions and deletions to air service.

It is not known whether staff from Boston-based management consultants Monitor, who came up with many of the new initiatives, will be attending.

Only last week, Monitor hosted a meeting at their Cambridge, Massachusetts offices of top Government officials, hotel managers and union officials.

The group, which had met three times previously, included Premier Jennifer Smith. They reviewed progress so far and set goals for the next three months.