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Old friendship remains strong

Helene Stehlin in 1937 it was the start of a lifelong friendship.The three hit it off immediately and the American couple spent much of their two week honeymoon in Mr. Mills' company.

Helene Stehlin in 1937 it was the start of a lifelong friendship.

The three hit it off immediately and the American couple spent much of their two week honeymoon in Mr. Mills' company.

And now, 56 years later, the bonds of friendship are as strong as ever.

Sadly, Mr. Joseph Stehlin is no longer alive, but his widow has kept in touch with their friend.

This week she was back on the Island for her annual visit, and the first person she looked up was Mr. Mills.

"He is a beautiful person. His heart is bigger than anyone's in the world,'' exclaimed 76-year-old Mrs. Stehlin yesterday.

"He is the most wonderful man I have ever met.'' And 79-year-old Mr. Mills, of Glebe Road, Pembroke, repaid the compliment in full.

"I love people and God has allowed me to meet lots of beautiful people, including this one,'' he said pointing to his friend.

Mrs. Stehlin, of Long Island, New York, was married in August 31, 1937.

When she and her husband sailed to Bermuda for their honeymoon, they looked out for Mr. Mills.

"He had been recommended to us by a friend as a very good carriage driver,'' she said.

"We got on straight away, and have kept in touch ever since. He is such good company, and is always joking.'' She added she had been back to Bermuda every year and always looked for Mr.


Said Mr. Mills: "She even came to visit me when I was ill in hospital.'' And friendship has also carried Mr. Mills across the water.

He attended the wedding in America of Mrs. Stehlin's daughter, Lortz.

HAND OF FRIENDSHIP -- Retired horse-and-carriage driver Mr. Leo Mills shows his affection for his friend Mrs. Helene Stehlin.