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UBP youth wing to hold forum to help young help themselves

Bermuda's young people are being asked to help find solutions to some of the problems they face today.

Young United Bermuda -- the youth wing of the United Bermuda Party -- will be hosting a youth forum, "Teen Summit -Rise Up Young People''.

And the objective is to provide young Bermudians with the opportunity to discuss pressing issues and arrive at solutions to the problems.

A panel of Government ministers, professionals and young people will engage in dialogue that will try to create the atmosphere of a talk show.

The topics to be discussed include education and employment, sexuality, drugs and alcohol, sports and recreation, and Bermuda -- "What's in it for me?'' Also featured are some of the Island's hottest reggae entertainers and fashion models.

Chairperson of Young United Bermuda Michelle Fray said about 15 young people have helped organise the summit.

"The show will be very similar to the Black Entertainment Television (BET) Teen Summit,'' Miss Fray said.

"We want to also stress that this is the first time this summit has been organised specifically for young people. And we want to stress that young people have to attend, they don't have a choice,'' Miss Fray enthused.

She added: "We don't want it to be seen as a political event. I have been thinking about the idea of a young people's summit for about six years and now, as chairman of Young United, it has given me the opportunity.

The objective of Young United Bermuda is to provide an ideal vehicle for young Bermudians to learn about and participate in the political, cultural and social affairs of our Country.

Miss Fray also said: "We want Bermuda's young people to rise up and voice their opinions and ask questions. All Government ministers will be on hand to answer questions.

"This is more or less like a big rap session. No one should be intimidated to ask questions. And we would encourage all parents to send their children.

"Parents are not invited, only teenagers aged 13 to those in their early 20s.'' Miss Fray said each topic will be discussed for 30 minutes and then everyone will divide into ten groups of 30 people.

"Then we will begin to put solutions down on paper. After we are finished we will close the evening with a nice party.'' Miss Fray added that the UBP has given the summit full support and the information that is compiled will be forwarded to Government.

"It is important to get the right type of representation, a wide spectrum of young people in Bermuda.'' Miss Fray said all school principals and guidance counsellors have received a press kit. And the word is on the street.

"The group of young people helping are very good. I feel that young people really have a lot to say and they have the answers. We want young people to be involved in charting the destiny of Bermuda.

"People always say young people are our future but in reality they are our present because if we don't work with them now there will be no future,'' Miss Fray said.

The music will be played by Beatnik Academy and there will be ten posse members and three hosts directing the entire show. The posse will ask and answer questions and they will get the audience involved.

"I think the summit is very positive and it is up to the young people to come out and support it,'' Miss Fray said.

Tickets are on sale for $10 at 27th Century Boutique, UBP Headquarters on Chancery Lane, and from members of Young United Bermuda.