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Smith calls for PLP unity

footing, telling members at the start of the 29th Delegates Convention that the PLP must move beyond being the Opposition and emerge from the convention as the government in waiting.

In a short speech, Ms Smith called on the old and new guard of the party to unite and take aim at winning the upcoming general election.

Ms Smith also told The Royal Gazette she could very well face a challenge to her leadership during Thursday's election of officers.

"This is normal, this is the time and the place to do it.'' She refused to speculate on a challenger, noting only the last person to vie for the leadership was Deputy Alex Scott.

The convention will move to "weave together the strands'' of the old and new guards of the party, she said. "It's a little like cricket, we have to mix up the team a little, we need a mixture of young and old and we have to focus on the goal of winning the next election for the good of Bermuda.'' UNITY CALL -- PLP Leader Jennifer Smith CONFERENCE CON