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Jet-skiing group drafting report

Tourism Minister David Dodwell -- who chaired the committee -- told The Royal Gazette that presentations from interested groups and a number of written submissions had been received.

jet-skiing is currently being prepared.

Tourism Minister David Dodwell -- who chaired the committee -- told The Royal Gazette that presentations from interested groups and a number of written submissions had been received.

This information had been "synthesised'' and a draft report was being written. The committee will go through the report and then submit it to the Cabinet.

The report would be made public after Cabinet had reviewed it, said Mr.

Dodwell, who declined to reveal any of the findings until then.

However, he said: "It has been a positive process with a lot of healthy discussion. People seem to understand the need for balance which will help us work out a long term solution which will take into consideration everybody's interests.'' The sport of jet-skiing came under the spotlight recently with issues of safety and proper usage on the water uppermost in mind.