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Getting together

year-olds. They are hoping to purchase a property at Southside from the Bermuda Land Development Corporation which can be turned into a facility where young people can meet.

First let us say that groups of concerned parents who want to do constructive things for Bermuda's young people are exactly what this Country needs now.

People getting together to do things for themselves and their neighbourhood's young men and women is an extremely healthy sign. These concerned parents feel that their young people should be given more direction in their spare time. We think everyone should applaud their efforts.

The group has apparently been looking at buildings at Southside through the Bermuda Land Development Corporation and has approached the Ministry of Youth and Sport hoping Government will help with the scheme.

There appears to be one minor hitch because the concerned group has not yet formed itself into a working committee. It should do that in the interests of cohesion and efficiency. There are a number of Government departments with experience in the workings of community groups and not-for-profit organisations which can and should offer help in forming an effective group.

The group has already received assistance and encouragement from both political parties and from churches and sports clubs. It is time now for some solid help.

Once they have formed themselves into a constituted group, we think these concerned citizens should be given a building at Southside for a very nominal rent. Southside is now part of their community and they should receive some benefit from the return of the Base Lands to Bermuda. We say rent because in the long run the group may not continue to function or may find that its operation does not attract sufficient young people to be worthwhile. This is not intended in any way to discourage these efforts it is simply to say that they should be given a building and help so that the idea can prove itself.

We have to note the very sensible suggestion from St. George's South MP Rick Spurling that once the group has been organised it could also begin running programmes using Clearwater Middle School's facilities during school holidays and at weekends.

Far too often very expensive school facilities are used only during school hours. Bermuda has a tendency to close these facilities and confine them to school use when they could be used to benefit many more members of the community than just the school's students. Basketball is in fashion as a sport right now and there are courts at Clearwater Middle School. There is also a gymnasium which should fit with the group's intention to provide such things as karate instruction and art classes.

A member of the group has been quoted as saying, "We have decided to come together as a community and foster togetherness.'' We think that anyone who can help should also foster that togetherness.