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Meyer wins back the bold venture

that supplies the US Naval Air Station.The agency took effect yesterday morning when 180-foot Bold Venture steamed into Marginal Wharf with 24 40-foot containers.

that supplies the US Naval Air Station.

The agency took effect yesterday morning when 180-foot Bold Venture steamed into Marginal Wharf with 24 40-foot containers.

Meyer was awarded the local agency by the US Military Sealift Command, the Washington-based organisation that administers all US Navy charters.

Meyer's contract comes five months after the company lost the business to rival John S. Darrell Ltd.

Meyer was forced to drop that conflict when the charter holder, Ocean Lines of Bermuda Inc., decided to supplement its dwindling US navy business by delivering commercial containers into Hamilton.

The switch put Meyer in a conflict of interest position because of its other container handling contracts with the Bermuda Islander out of New Jersey and the Somers Isles out of Florida.

John S. Darrell was not handling any competing business.

Ocean Lines lost its charter last week when Sealift Command cancelled the contract.