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Stock Exchange yesterday. The Bank of Bermuda's stock closed at $21.75 on a volume of 6,910, up 75 cents, and Bermuda Commercial Bank's shares closed at $11, on a volume of 222, up 75 cents.

The major price gain of the day's trading was experienced by Bermuda Computer Services, which closed at $14, on a volume of 450, gaining $1.50.

BF&M closed at $65 , on a volume of 3,000, up 12.50 cents. Telco closed at $34.75, on a volume of 911, gaining 75 cents.

Long Botham Boats Co. closed at $7.50, down 12.50 cents, on a volume of 2,000.

Bermuda Press (Holdings) closed at $9.75, on a volume of 2,300, unchanged.

Also trading unchanged were Argus Insurance Company's stock, which closed at $10 on a volume of 167, and the Bank of Butterfield's shares, which closed at $32 unchanged on a volume of 4,426.

The Index closed at 1,141.60 -- up 20.04.