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Mother issues warning after child finds discarded syringe

A concerned parent and the Corporation of Hamilton are calling for greater vigilance in public parks after a pre-schooler found a dirty syringe.

The youngster, with a group of summer camp students, found the syringe in a bathroom at Victoria Park on Tuesday.

The discovery has led to a warning from Corporation secretary Roger Sherratt who also requested increased Police patrols.

The syringe was discarded rather than turned over to Police for analysis for illegal substances or disease.

The mother of a four-year-old child at the camp contacted The Royal Gazette to warn other parents about the menace. She also said camp organisers handled the situation properly.

The mother -- who asked not to be named -- said the syringe was found by another child who promptly alerted a teacher who "disposed of'' the syringe.

"They were in the park after going to the movies,'' she said. "I'm a concerned parent and just want to warn other parents that when we send children to these parks there is this risk.'' The woman added: "It's sad because all the summer day camps will be taking children to the parks and a young child could pick it up innocently.'' Mr. Sherratt said once he heard about the incident he immediately contacted the Police narcotics department who had an immediate response.

"I contacted Police to have them check our toilets and check the park areas to make sure these kind of things don't happen,'' he said.

"Obviously it is very dangerous. It was possibly contaminated. But it is certainly not a regular occurrence. The Corporation is very concerned about this type of thing.'' Suzette Burgess, who operates the camp, refused to comment except to confirm the syringe had been found.

Ms Burgess refused to give the name of the camp, but asked that the church from which she leases space not be named in the story.