Autism -- What it is
communicate, form relationships with others, and react appropriately to the environment. Some people with autism are relatively high-functioning, with speech and intelligence. Others are mentally retarded, mute, or have serious language delays. For some, autism makes them seem closed down, while others seem locked into repetitive behaviours and rigid patterns of thinking.
Although people with autism do not have exactly the same symptoms and deficits, they tend to share certain social, communication, motor and sensory problems that affect their behaviour in predictable ways.
Autistic children do not follow the typical patterns of child development. In some children, hints of future problems are apparent from birth. In most cases, the problems become more noticeable as the child slips further behind other children of the same age. Others start off well, but between 18 and 36 months old suddenly reject people, act strangely, and lose already acquired language and social skills.
The causes of autism are unknown, and the disorder is four times more common in boys than girls. While there is no cure, many children go on to lead full `neurotypical' lives.