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What if there were no circles?

A circle is a shape that is very useful to people. it is a rounded shape with no edges. There is never an end to a circle.

If there were no circles in the world we would not have wheels for transportation.

How can you have rectangle or triangle wheels? They wouldn't go around.

Earrings are usually round, but can be made with different shapes.

We would not have circled clock faces, but could use other shapes instead.

There would not be such a thing as a "pie chart'', or the radius, diameter, and circumference of one. How about your percentages on tests? The percentage sign has two circles. One above a slash, and one below it.

We could have parallelogram shaped oranges, apples, plums, zucchini, tomatoes and other round fruits, and vegetables, but they wouldn't naturally grow like a parallelogram.

What is more important than not having the letter O, or the number 0! They are important.

Look all through the essay again, and count how many o's there are.

The word "people'' would instead be "peple'', and the number "100,000,032'' would instead be 132. That is a lot smaller number.

Hole punchers punch round holes. Not octagon shaped ones.

We would not have circled Cheerios, or fruit loops and would have to have squared pizza.

How can you divide a square pizza evenly between all your friends, or family.

We couldn't even have circled cookies.

Plates are usually round, but what's wrong with having a triangular one? There would not be such a thing as full stops, or the bottom of an exclamation, or question marks. That would be good though, because it would be three less punctuation rules to learn.

Have you ever thought about having different shaped buttons? Just imagine it on your favourite seater, or jacket! It wouldn't go would it? How about pencil sharpeners? Your pencil would not be able to fit in your pencil sharpener, because it would have to be oval shaped. That means we would have oval shaped pencils.

Coins are round aren't they? Coins would have to be another shape. More like a pentagon shape, like in other countries.

Designs on shirts, bags and more cannot be round anymore. Circles are beautiful designs; it would be a shame not to have them.

Hmmmm, what about the centre of flowers? They're round. They probably can't naturally grow, in heptagon shaped centres.

Also, some types of leaves are round. I guess they would have to figure out a way not to be round.

Look at all those things that are circular shaped. See how important circles really are? We really couldn't live without them! Second place essay winner: Emily Rowe EDUCATION MONTH ED