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The Importance of Literacy -- Reading Helps You Learn -- Third place essay winner

I am going to tell you two reasons why I think it is important to read. The first reason is to learn new things, the second reason is that reading will improve your imagination.

I learn new things when I read. For example, I like to read biographies. I read one about Rosa Parks. Rosa parks got arrested for not giving a white man her seat because it was against the law to not give up your seat to a white man, which was a bad law.

A while after Rosa Parks did, the law changed and blacks got their way. If I did not read this I would not have learned that.

I also like to read fantasy books, I think fantasy improves your imagination.

I read a fantasy book called Unicorns of Balinos. I pretend I was one of the unicorns named Atlanta. When I read I escape from my brother and sister and when I come back to the world, I want to play with them.

Maybe when you read, it will help you learn history and use your imagination.

Miss French is age 9 and attends year four of Montessori Academy.