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Proposals in bid to end hospital pay dispute

Nurses are to be presented with a number of proposals at a mass union meeting tomorrow in a desperate bid to resolve the on-going pay dispute.

The Bermuda Public Services Association (BPSA) yesterday met with hospital management to iron out the problems over what pay increase the nurses were to receive and when.

All suggestions made at the meeting are now to be shared with the union members tomorrow, when the nurses will decide for themselves what action, if any, they wish to take.

Before Christmas, hundreds of nurses marched through the streets of Bermuda over pay and conditions, which they claimed were unacceptable.

After weeks of negotiations, the BPSA and the Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) finally reached an agreement in February.

However, The Royal Gazette revealed yesterday how the pay dispute was back on again after the nurses had not received the package they thought they had agreed to.

It is understood that the nurses thought they had agreed to a two-scale increase from April this year.

However, what has actually happened is that they have received just a one-scale increase this April, with the second pay-scale increase arriving next April. Together the rises are believed to make for roughly a five percent increase.

Why or how the confusion has arisen, it is not clear.

But it is said to have led to a further downturn in morale, and sources said it was feasible that action could be taken as a result.

General Secretary of the BPSA Ed Ball said last night: "I met with the board today and nothing much has changed at this point.

"Basically, the BPSA came up with some recommendations to help resolve the situation, which we now want to share with our members.

"The nurses are going to meet on Friday, so will put those suggestions to them to see what they think.'' Chairwoman of the board Ianthia Simmons-Wade was not available for comment last night.

However, on Tuesday evening after the dispute erupted again, she said she had no idea how or why the confusion had arisen.

She said she believed the issue had been resolved and everyone was happy, until she was told otherwise this week.

She added: "We thought the matter was very much resolved. But I can assure everyone that we are very committed and prepared to talk it over to see if we can re-resolve the issue as soon as possible.''