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BBC changes its tune . . .

The Bermuda Broadcasting Company announced it was restarting the "easy listening'' radio service.The move follows a huge outcry after the company scrapped the station in July, describing it as unprofitable.

The Bermuda Broadcasting Company announced it was restarting the "easy listening'' radio service.

The move follows a huge outcry after the company scrapped the station in July, describing it as unprofitable.

Angry listeners flooded The Royal Gazette and the BBC with constant protests.

Now BBC bosses have bowed to the pressure, saying easy listening would return immediately on ZFB 1230, from 10 a.m. each day.

The popular Stardust service will also be re-aired, and evening concerts resumed at 7 p.m. on ZFB radio.

BBC frontman Mr. Rick Richardson last night told viewers the moves were part of a phased revamp of the radio network.

He said the protests had prompted the company to speed up some long term plans.

"Recently we announced this company had realised a profit for the last fiscal year,'' he said.

"This as a result of viewer and listener support, translating into sponsor support.

"We are mindful of the support we have had over the years, and do not take this lightly.

"We value this support and as stated earlier have decided to expedite our plans.

"Surely we recognise the diverse needs of the community and are attempting at this time to strike a balance to ensure that in our business decisions we accommodate all of our listeners.''