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New centre is just the tonic!

fundraising drive that began about 18 months ago.Volunteers and founding members gathered at the new Paget headquarters, which has a state-of-the-art kitchen, to celebrate the opening.

fundraising drive that began about 18 months ago.

Volunteers and founding members gathered at the new Paget headquarters, which has a state-of-the-art kitchen, to celebrate the opening.

It culminated a $1 million fund raising drive which started in June last year as the group wanted to expand its operations and move from its old headquarters at St. Paul's Church, Paget.

Meals on Wheels, a registered charity, was established by Dorothy Evans and provided just 15 meals three times a week.

It now provides about 120 meals, mainly for the elderly, three times a week and it is hoped the new building, also in Paget, will increase that number to up to 250 meals three times a week.

CHEERS -- (From left to right) Kay Robinson, co-founder of Meals on Wheels, Peggie Davis, Nea Willits, Dorothy Evans, a co-founder, Joy Ingham, Ellen Lopes, Marianne Collier and June Brangman toast the opening of the Meals on Wheels centre.