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Weight a real problem with Type II diabetics

strikes people when they are overweight. As such, losing one's extra body fat is the most powerful treatment for Type II Diabetes. According to leading pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly, it is the extra body fat which often aids in lessening the body's ability to make and use its own insulin. "This is especially true in people who have had Type II Diabetes for ten years or less,'' according to the company, represented locally by Med Tech International. "Blood sugar levels may go back to normal in some overweight people with Type II Diabetes who lose 15 or more pounds. Others may need less diabetes medicine to control their blood sugar levels when they lose weight.'' In order to lose weight, the company suggests: Eating smaller servings Choosing low-fat and low-sugar foods Getting more exercise "Knowing you should eat less and be more active and actually doing those things are very different. Most people need a detailed meal and exercise plan and lots of support to be successful at losing weight. That support can come from your family, the members of your diabetes class or other programme. Talk with your doctor, dietitian, or other diabetes educator about the best choices for you.'' For those with Type I Diabetes, the need for calories is not changed by diabetes, that is, the same amount of food is needed as would be if one had not been diagnosed as having the disease, explained the company.

"That is why it is important that you and your diabetes team match the amount of insulin you take to the amount of food you need. When that happens, your body can get the value from the foods you eat. It's not a good idea to eat very little as a way to try to keep your blood sugar levels near the normal range. It will be easier for you to avoid very high and very low blood sugar if you're eating the right amount of food you really need.'' One's body tends not to get the food value it needs when either one of two things happen: One is eating less food than one needs or, One's blood sugar levels are often well above the target range.

"When your blood sugar is too high, a lot of calories leave your body in your urine. That's why it's hard to keep your weight in a healthy range. Eating the same amount of food every day makes it easier to keep insulin and food working together. This is one of the most important parts of meal planning for Type I Diabetes.'' The firm suggests that both types I and II eat three or more meals or snacks daily -- a feat easily accomplished by most people.

"Eating regular meals -- spacing food throughout the day -- helps people stay at a healthy weight and feel good. People who eat regular meals are also more likely to get the vitamins and minerals they need for good health. Like everyone else, people with diabetes are likely to eat better, feel better and have more energy if they eat regular meals.'' HEALTH HTH