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The beat goes on!

Tempo Drum School holds its annual recital. More than 30 students will show off their newfound talents in all manner of musical style, and a few special guests are scheduled to help school chief Kevin Maybury display his percussive prowess. The programme is called "Drumming 101'' and offers 11 steps to becoming "a complete drummer ... from basic drumming to sizzling solos,'' Mr. Maybury said. For the first part of the show students will take the audience step-by-step through the programme. Then Mr. Maybury will take the stage for a showcase featuring all types of drumming, backed by top local bands Jazzology, the Blues Bandits, Jahstice and the Time Tunnel Review. "If any parents have kids who are nagging them about drum lessons, I suggest they come see the show,'' Mr. Maybury said. "In these times when so many youth seem to be going astray, young kids need to be more exposed to the arts,'' he added. The show is being sponsored by Pianos Plus and tickets, $15, are available there or at the door before the show. Doors open at 3 p.m. and the music starts at 3.30.

ON TIME -- Tempo Drum School's Kevin Maybury