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Cruise visitors declining: DOCKSIDERS

following the Labour Day weekend which marked the return of American children to school. Meyer Agencies Ltd. spokesman Stephen Paynter said the Zenith berthed in Hamilton on Monday with 1,217 passengers. It shifted to St.

George's yesterday morning and was due to sail this afternoon along with the Dreamward which arrived on Monday with 978 passengers. It berthed at Penno's Wharf before shifting to Hamilton on Tuesday morning. And the Meridian arrived yesterday from Philadelphia. A passenger count was not available yesterday and the vessel was due to leave King's Wharf in Dockyard tomorrow. Meanwhile John S. Darrell spokesman Tim Southern said the Song of America and the Royal Majesty arrived with 1,222 and 760 passengers respectively on Tuesday. The Royal Majesty berthed in St. George's and was due to depart tomorrow with the Song of America which also berthed in St. George's before shifting to Hamilton yesterday morning. Elsewhere, the 89.9-metre long US Coast Guard training cutter Eagle will arrive from Ponta Del Gado and berth in Hamilton on Saturday. It is due to leave on Monday for the US. And this Sunday, the 274-metre long motor tanker Spetses will pass close by Bermuda to pick up a crewman while on its way from Angola to the US Gulf with 150,000 metric tons of crude oil. In other shipping news, the Bermuda Islander arrived from Salem, New Jersey on Monday morning with 75 containers including nine refers. It left later that day. Container Ship Management vice-president Robert Lewis said the Oleander arrived on Sunday with 96 dry containers and 37 refers. PHOTO Photo by Tony Cordeiro DRY CLEANING - The Zenith's crew got straight to work on arrival in port on Monday and had the carpets cleaned and hung out to dry off the stern rail of the ship by noon.