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Records were breaking at the Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX) yesterday as both the Index and the Bank of Butterfield attained record highs. The index closed

of Butterfield shares regained strength after falling five cents on Tuesday, to surpass their all time high reached on Monday.

Bank of Butterfield shares jumped $1.45 to close at $20 on a volume of 15,600.

The BSX also revealed yesterday that the Bank of Butterfield acquired 53,851 of its own shares as part of the share repurchase programme announced in January.

The Bank made this latest acquisition last month.

The BSX rose 24.76 points on a volume of 39,693 to reach the new record yesterday.

Healthy gains were also seen at Bermuda Commercial Bank. Eleven thousand shares shot up $1.95 to close at $7.45. Bank of Bermuda shares stood a half of their all time high of $40 as 1,617 closed at $39.50.

Kentucky Fried Chicken shares sparked interest as 10,576 were picked up at the unchanged price of $5.