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Education row gets messy

and a temporary classroom shortage at Northlands Secondary. ---- Page 2 MISSED ARMY, LANDS IN COURT CTS Missed army, lands in court A young man who repeatedly failed to appear for Regiment duty was given his marching orders -- to Westgate. ---- Page 2 MAN FOUND GUILTY OF SEX ASSAULT CTS Man found guilty of sex assault A Supreme Court jury yesterday convicted a 33-year-old Hamilton Parish man of seriously sexually assaulting his 27-year-old ex-girlfriend on March 16. ---- Page 3 MINISTER HAILS JOBLESS DROP GVT Minister hails jobless drop A 7.5 percent plunge in Bermudians registering as jobless was hailed yesterday as evidence of economic revival. ---- Page 3 BELCO EXPECTS RECORD PROFITS BUC Belco expects record profits The Bermuda Electric Light Company is forecasting record profits for the year to December 31, 1996, president and CEO, Garry Madeiros indicated. ---- Business, Page 9 BEST WORTH DOUBLE, SAYS HORTON SOC Best worth double, says Horton Clyde Best should be paid twice the amount that former national coach Burkhard Ziese received, according to former top striker Randy Horton. ---- Sport, Page 17