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A poem about Bermuda

Your reefs, your beaches, and sand For your Forts are beautiful in any place in Hamilton, Somerset, anywhere on this land.

Horseshoe Bay is a spectacular site.

You have the option to swim, run or walk, Play in the sand or on Good Friday fly your kite.

St. George's has things from the first settlers ships, to the earliest gale.

You can get a boat ride and just sail, sail, sail.

There are so many beautiful places in Bermuda I can't say them all.

I'm lucky I'm Bermudian, but those that aren't are missing out on the ball.

I pay it all to Bermuda's reefs, for if we didn't have them we would be extinct.

The beauty would be washed away, and no one would be able to say, Bermuda, Bermuda, Bermuda, you are so bautiful, everyday.

By Fajr Bashir Age: 10 Dellwood School EDUCATION MONTH ED