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Committee to look at entertainment

And a report on the subject is due in April.Tourism Minister David Dodwell broke the news during yesterday's four and a half hour debate on the Tourism Budget for the coming fiscal year.

visitors feel about local entertainment.

And a report on the subject is due in April.

Tourism Minister David Dodwell broke the news during yesterday's four and a half hour debate on the Tourism Budget for the coming fiscal year.

"This has been up and running quietly for the past three or four weeks. They have met three of four times and include people from all walks of life including entertainers.

"Their focus is to look at what the customer wants. They are looking into the past and they are committed to developing a plan for the future.'' Mr. Dodwell told the House of Assembly that statistics showed that only 32 percent of visitors were satisfied with the Island's night life.

"We have a responsibility in the private and public sectors to take care of our visitors at night.

"It has to be recognised that if we do a good job of taking care of our visitors during the day then we need to do equally as good a job of taking care of them at night.'' To look at entertainment in Bermuda, a committee chaired by UBP backbencher Maxwell Burgess has been formed. This committee will look at what the Island had to do to boost customer satisfaction.

A number of people were on the board including Tourism Board, Bermuda Hotel Association and Chamber of Commerce representatives plus hoteliers.

But more importantly, continued Mr. Dodwell, local entertainers were also represented by the likes of Gene Steede and Selena Lambert.

The committee will discuss immigration policies, cruise ships and look at local entertainment.

However Mr. Dodwell stressed that giving the customer what they wanted was not simply a question of hiring Bermudians.

"We have to look at professionalism and what tourists are looking for then strike a balance.'' One possibility was to send local entertainers abroad to develop their trade while bringing in overseas entertainers on a temporary basis to replace them.

"We have to look at all the things that make our visitors happy.

"We have talented Bermudians but we have to harness that talent and put it in a package that we can get in front of the customer.'' House coverage on Works & Engineering Ministry is in tomorrow's paper