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`Millions' to watch wedding The magic and beauty of a Bermudian wedding will be showcased for millions of romantic television viewers next week. ---- Page

PLANS UNVEILED FOR PARK GVT Plans unveiled for park Minister of Works and Engineering, C.V. (Jim) Woolridge, yesterday unveiled plans for the greening of the Pembroke Dump.

Phase One of the Pembroke Marsh Park plan, scheduled to commence this month, will see about one third of the 25-acre site transformed into a residential playground. ---- Page 3 TRIAL PUT OFF YET AGAIN CTS Trial put off yet again The trial of a man accused of murdering a teenage Canadian girl has been put off again. Supreme Court yesterday heard that Archie Warner -- defence lawyer for murder accused -- had suffered a heart attack. ---- Page 3 BOMB FOUND FLOATING IN COVER POL Bomb found floating in cove A suspected unexploded bomb floated around a tiny cove for four days, the man who hauled it said yesterday. ---- Page 5 SAILORS GO FOR THE GOLD SLG Sailors go for the Gold As two of the Island's most renowned sailors, Peter Bromby and Paula Lewin have had their fair share of battles. But when they meet again this weekend in the Bermuda Gold Cup, more than just national pride will be on the line. ---- Sport, Page 17 BERMUDA HAVE HIGH HOPES CRI Bermuda have high hopes If players can cut down on the number of errors, Bermuda could be competitive in the Red Stripe Bowl cricket tournament in Jamaica. ---- Sport, Page 17